MMEA Townhall Thu, Apr 18, 2024, 7 pm, via Zoom
The newly formed Manitoba Kodaly Society is putting on a town hall to let us know who they are and how they will support teachers and kids through the Kodaly method.
Returning to Manitoba Music Classrooms January 2021
Sketches of Practice
Returning to Music Classrooms
September 2020
Robust music programs can and should be delivered during the 2020-2021 school year regardless of the curriculum delivery model that is in place.
List of Activities for music classes K-12
The Manitoba Music Educators’ Association partner groups, which include the Manitoba Orff Chapter, Manitoba Classroom Guitar Association and the Manitoba Band Association, have put together an extensive list of activities for music classes K-12 for all three possible scenarios that reflect all four areas of the Manitoba Music Curriculum Frameworks.
While most activities are relevant to all four general learning outcomes/essential learnings in music, specific learning outcomes/recursive and enacted learnings have been listed in many cases to assist with planning.
This document will be updated on a regular basis as new ideas and lessons are developed.
Recommendations for School Reopening for Music June 1, 2020
The Association of Music Administrators of Manitoba (AMAM), in consultation with the Manitoba Music Educators’ Association (MMEA) and its partner groups, which represent guitar, band, choral and elementary music educators in our province, have worked together to prepare this list of recommendations for school reopening in accordance with current Manitoba Health guidelines. We hope that by doing some detailed thinking around concerns that are specific to our specialty areas, we can offer some meaningful parameters for school reopening while being cognizant of the changing landscape of our situation and the need to respond to new instructions from the government as the situation unfolds.